Fresh Flower Care 101

Flower arranging is the perfect way to make your home feel more welcoming. Let's face it: flowers make everything better. But don't just toss those flowers into a vase and call it good! Take care of them properly and they'll last longer, look better, and smell even sweeter. So when you next buy some fresh blooms, follow these simple steps for how to take care of them:

Remove any foliage that will fall below the water line

When you're done arranging your flowers, remove any foliage that will fall below the water line. You can use this in arrangements later or compost it. When using fresh flowers as a garnish, place them on top of a plate and then add decorative elements like sprigs of mint or rosemary to fill in empty spaces. It's also okay to put a few leaves behind the flower vase - that way they get some air circulation without getting in your way!

Just remember: A bouquet with only one type of flower looks boring; try mixing things up by adding different colors and sizes (smaller buds will help fill out an arrangement).

Use a clean vase and keep it clean

  • Use a clean vase and keep it clean. You should only use glass, wood or ceramic containers. Plastic or metal vases can cause the water to become contaminated with bacteria that could harm your flowers.

  • Keep your container filled with cool water, but don't let it get too full so you can avoid over-watering your bouquet.

  • Make sure you use a vase that is the right size for your flowers; this ensures they'll have plenty of room to breathe and won't drown in their own juices (ew!). Also make sure that whatever vessel you choose has an opening large enough to allow for adequate air circulation around them—especially if they're being displayed indoors during an important event. 

Cut stems at an angle when you arrange them

You've arranged your flowers in a vase and now it's time to insert the stems. The thing about floral arrangements is that, ideally, you're supposed to cut off any leaves or stems before adding them to the water. This makes sense when you're putting together a bouquet to take home—you want more of the flower head exposed so that they can open up more fully and, well, look pretty.

But if you're just arranging them for display in your apartment (or office), there’s no need to do this! A stem with leafy bits still attached will work perfectly fine and looks even better if it's shorter than the length of your vase. We recommend making sure that all of your stems are roughly even lengths though: varying height tends not only be distracting but also makes it harder for them all to stand upright.

When arranging flowers in a tall vase try cutting each stem at an angle so they'll fit neatly into their spots without being too long or sticking out over one another too much—the goal is still pretty fullness here but not overcrowding!

Food is important. Use a flower food packet or make one yourself

Flower food packets are available at most grocery stores and flower shops, but you can also make your own from scratch. Besides being cheaper, making your own flower food allows you to control the ingredients and ensure that it doesn't contain harmful chemicals or additives. To make a batch of homemade flower food, mix one part sugar and four parts water in a pot over medium heat until the sugar dissolves completely. Remove from heat and let cool for about 15 minutes before adding five drops each of dish soap, mouthwash and hydrogen peroxide (use an eye dropper or syringe). Mix well to combine, then use immediately or store in an airtight container for up to three days. To apply the mixture to your flowers' soil, just pour some into their vase like any other liquid fertilizer (but don't overdo it—a little goes a long way!).

Change the water every other day

The best way to ensure that your flowers stay fresh and beautiful is by changing the water every other day. In fact, you should change the water more frequently if it's hot or humid, and less frequently if it's cold.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind: Some people prefer using filtered water instead of tap water because they think it will help their flowers last longer without causing damage from minerals that can stain them. Others insist on using only cold or warm (not hot) water when changing out the vase because too much heat will damage delicate petals and leaves.

Either way is fine as long as you do what works for your climate and environment!

Keep flowers away from direct sunlight and drafty areas

There are several ways to keep your flowers fresh and safe. For example, you can avoid direct sunlight and drafty areas. This will help prevent the leaves from wilting and also ensure that the bouquet lasts longer than anticipated. Additionally, you should keep your flowers away from heat sources such as fireplaces or radiators because this can cause the petals to wilt more quickly than normal!

As you can see, there is more to caring for fresh flowers than meets the eye. It takes work and practice, but in the end it’s worth it! Flower arrangements are an elegant way to brighten up any space and make people feel good about themselves. If you want your flowers to last longer than a day or two, then follow these tips carefully.

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