How do I plant my dahlia tubers?

Many people think growing dahlias can be an overwhelming experience. Well, we’re here to tell you that they’re not!

You will need to know a few important steps to ensure success. Here on the farm we start our tubers indoors or in our greenhouse in nursery pots. This is not a necessary step but it will get you dahlia blooms earlier in the season. If you opt to plant them outside directly, then you should wait until around the same time as your tomatoes, or around mid May when the risk of frost has past. Once ready, plant them two inches deep and at least 12-18 inches apart. The larger the varieties the more space will be needed, for example, Dinner Plate Dahlias should be 18 inch spacing. If you have clay like soil, try loosening the soil around the hole the tuber will be placed in. This can be done manually or by using a handheld auger.

As the dahlia grows, it’s often smart to stake them to provide some additional support. Most varieties will grow at least a metre and tend to snap easily in storms if there is no additional support. We use a corralling method which involves using stakes and rope to support our dahlias.

If you don't see growth right away, don't fret. It can take up to 3 weeks to see sprouts on your tubers! If you purchased tubers from us, all of our tubers have been checked for eyes prior to shipment and should sprout after a bit of tender loving care!

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